Hydrangea Macrophylla Red 2ltr
The Hydrangea Macrophylla Red is an enchanting addition that radiates warmth and allure. Revered for its profusion of striking red blooms and verdant foliage, this compact shrub is an irresistible choice for both novice gardeners and seasoned enthusiasts alike.
Drenched in elegance and charm, our Hydrangea Macrophylla Red shrub showcases voluminous mophead flowers that burst forth in a spectrum of rich red hues, creating a mesmerizing display that captivates throughout the blooming season. Its glossy green leaves provide a lush backdrop, accentuating the intensity of the blooms and infusing your garden with a sense of drama and sophistication.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.
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