Raspberry Tulameen Organic 1ltr
This organic variety of Raspberry promises abundant yields of sweet, juicy raspberries bursting with flavor. The berries are large, bright red and have a distinctive conical shape. The fruit is borne on long, almost spine-free laterals, making them very easy to pick.
An excellent variety for growing in pots/containers where the long canes can be trained up an obelisk or bamboo cane wigwam. With its easy-to-grow nature and versatile uses in jams, desserts, and more, it's an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced growers. It is well known for attracting bees and other pollinators.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.
- - Produces high yields of sweet raspberries
- Organic variety
- Harvest: June to August
- Can eat fruits straight from the plant
- Loved by pollinators - DimensionsPot size: 1 litre
- Preparation & UsagePosition in full sun and ensure soil is moist and slightly acidic.
- SafetyThis product will come with any relevant warnings please read carefully before use.
- Delivery & Returns
Dobbies aim to deliver between 3-5 working days, but it can take longer to deliver to Northern Ireland, Highlands and Islands.
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Delivery is free for orders over £50 (£5.95 otherwise).
If your order is overdue, damaged in transit or you have a query about your order, please contact our Customer Service team.