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Perennials that flower all summer

Perennials that flower all summer

The closer we get to warmer weather and peak gardening season, the more you’ll want your outdoors to begin to burst with life and colour – long-flowering perennials may be exactly what you’re looking for

What better way to complement the incoming sunshine than beautiful flowers which bloom all summer? And even when the weather isn’t there, your garden can still feel like a bright and cheery place to spend time in with these flowering perennials that, once in full bloom, will stick around all season

As there are so many different shapes, colours and styles of perennials to choose from, we’ve made your job that little bit easier by compiling this list of our top 10 perennial plants that will flower all summer

Did you know:

A perennial is a plant which flowers year after year, unlike annuals which only last one season – their Latin name literally means ‘through the years’! Many have attractive foliage too, so even when they’re not flowering, they’ll keep on providing colour in your garden

Perennials that flower all summer

top 10 perennials that flower all summer

1. Hydrangea

With delicate flowers in shades of pink, white and blue, hydrangeas are perfect for brightening up everything from borders to walls - hydrangeas come as both shrub and climbing varieties, so every area of your outdoors can be brought to life. Even when their flowers die down in the autumn, their attractive leaves will still add much-needed colour in your garden, until they’re ready to flower again in the summer

Planting info: Plant shrubby hydrangeas in a lightly shaded spot in moist, well-draining soil. Climbing hydrangeas grow well in either shaded or sunny spots in any soil type

2. Nepeta 'Purrsian Blue'

You may know Nepeta by its more common name – catmint. It’s a hardy, low-maintenance perennial which grows showy spikes of periwinkle blue flowers. Unlike many other catmint varieties, this one will continue to bloom throughout the whole summer. Plant catmint near the front of your flower borders and you won’t just attract pollinating insects, but maybe even a curious cat too! Cats love catmint (hence the name) so watch out for neighbourhood felines having a little nibble – or even a roll – in your Nepeta plants

Planting info: Plant in a sunny spot in free-draining soil

3. Aquilegia 'Black Barlow'

There are many variations of Aquilegia to grow, but with distinctive deep purple flowers and long stems, Black Barlows are sure to make a statement in your summer garden. They're perfect if you’re looking for a more contemporary look in your garden, especially when paired with other black flowers, or even magenta-coloured blooms like Geraniums

Planting info: Plant in a sunny spot in free-draining soil

4. Hardy Geraniums

This plant might be the most popular perennial in the UK, and it’s easy to understand why – they're tough, easy-to-grow, and provide flowers for months and months. They don’t need a lot of care – all you need to do is cut back the stems to ground after they’ve died down. Slugs and snails will eat other plants before they touch hardy geraniums, and they’ll even grow up from tiny cracks in pavings – we told you they were tough!

Planting info: Plant in light shade in any soil type

5. Black Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan is a pretty flowering perennial that packs a colourful punch if your garden. They’re often found as climbers, growing up to 2.5 metres tall, and have heart-shaped yellow or orange petals with a dark brown centre. Black eyed Susans are great for adding interest in other areas of your garden that might not get as much attention, such as along fences, trellises, or archways

Planting info: Plant in a spot will full sun in well-drained soil, with support for the plant to climb

Perennials that flower all summer

6. Lavender

Lavender is a perennial herb, popular for its rich fragrant purple flowers. It’s relatively easy to grow either in your borders or in large containers and comes in different varieties. If you’re looking to attract bees and other pollinators to your garden, English lavender is the most efficient. Just make sure to prune your lavender after its flowering period and it will continue to bloom for years

Planting info: Plant in a sunny spot in free-draining soil

7. Coneflower

It makes sense why this flower is growing in popularity within the gardening world. Coneflower is an easy to grow perennial, tolerant to dry spells, making it a must-have flower for gardeners new and old. Its blooms are like daisies, except come in bolder colours, like red, pink and orange. As it’s a wildflower, it’s naturally attractive to pollinators – plant coneflowers in your garden for an instant buzz of bees and butterflies in your garden

Planting info: Plant in full sun in free-draining soil

8. Scabious 'Butterfly Blue'

This gorgeous flower and its powdery blue tones will give you colour in your garden year after year, from summer into autumn. Pollinators love the dainty petals of Scabious - butterflies in particular - so keep an eye on this plant if you’re a nature enthusiast 

Planting info: Plant in full sun in free-draining soil

9. Lupin

One of our favourite perennials that flowers every summer, Lupins have bold, bright flower spikes in a vast range of colours. They have tall, impressive stems, offering height to your beds and borders, but also look gorgeous growing in containers. To top it off, bumblebees love them. There’s really nothing a Lupin can’t offer - it's no wonder they're one of our favourites!

Planting info: Plant in full sun in free-draining soil

10. Arabis

This perennial’s fragrant white flowers can add charm to any garden. Good for ground cover, they grow in mat-like spreads over your beds and borders. Arabis leaves are evergreen, so will still give you some colour even in the colder months

Planting info: Plant in full sun in free-draining soil