How to care for orchids
Orchids are a fantastic choice if you’re looking for a vibrant, long lasting flowering houseplant that effortlessly elevates any space. While they have a few specific care needs, they generally low maintenance, making them an easy way to brighten up your office, bedroom, or any corner of your home.
Gardening tips for January
Sometimes the only way to get through winter is to start gearing up for spring. Whether you'd rather curl up on the couch and start planning what to plant, or brace the cold and get to work outside, there’s something to do to keep you busy, warm, and prepare for your best growing season yet
How to use grow lights
Using grow lights is a great way of keeping your indoor plants healthy during the cold, dark months of winter, or if you live somewhere that doesn’t get enough natural sunlight
Create a festive eco swag
This beautiful eco swag can be made using foraged greenery or collected stems from your garden – this not only looks stunning but it’s easy to make too. A modern take on a traditional Christmas wreath, get the whole family involved in foraging and you can even add new dried elements to it every year
Create a wildlife haven with your real Christmas tree
The days are getting colder and the remaining fiery colours of autumn are slowly drifting away – winter is almost upon us. With the changing seasons comes essential garden maintenance and November is the time to get yours organised and tidied for the months ahead
How to plant an acid loving shrub
A quick and easy garden project that will brighten up your outdoor space in an instant. Whether you choose a handsome acer with stunning foliage colour or an evergreen rhododendron with striking flowers, you’ll have an eye-catching focal point that will look good for years