Gold certificate
Thomas got his Gold certificate for attending 12 clubs.
February workshop
February's Little Seedlings club was all about tomatoes. Thomas enjoyed learning about how tomatoes grow and tasting the different types of tomatoes. He liked the taste of Beef tomatoes the most.
Christmas shopping night
Thomas attended Christmas Shopping Night at Chesterfield. He enjoyed sponge cake from Dobbies' Bakery to Go range and listening to Christmas music.
To find out more about our Christmas events, click here
November workshop
November's Little Seedlings Club was all about the different seasons and making garden gifts. Thomas decorated a pot and planted a Daffodil bulb, which will make a lovely homemade gift to give to someone special.
Sunflower update
Thomas planted Sunflower seeds in one of the Little Seedlings workshops earlier this year. Starting from just a seed he was amazed that they grew taller than him!
September workshop
Thomas enjoyed learning about mindfulness in this month's little seedlings club. His favourite herb smell was mint and he liked the rough/spiky feeling of rosemary. He learnt how plants and gardening can be good for the mind and used all five senses in exploring them.
Autumn gardening
Thomas has been growing pumpkins from the Little Seedlings Pumpkin kit. He is enjoying looking after them and watching them grow.