Thyme Lemon Variegated 1ltr
Thyme is a popular culinary herb known for its versatility in cooking. The Thyme Lemon Variegated is a bushy, evergreen shrub, sporting variegated leaves, which are lemon-scented.
In summer, spikes of tiny lilac flowers appear, which are full of nectar that attracts pollinators. Its edible foliage is ripe for harvesting from late spring right through to early autumn.
Thyme originates from the Mediterranean, so it thrives in fairly arid conditions. Plant in a well-drained soil in a warm, sunny area, and be careful not to over-water. It's ideal for alpine or rock gardens, or for growing in a container with plenty of grit incorporated for drainage.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.